The Interprofessioneel Samenwerken in de Gezondheidszorg (IPSIG) or Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare (IPCIHC) week is a project that has been going on for over 20 years. Its goal is to bring together students from different healthcare professions to work together and develop their interprofessional capabilities. In March 2024, over 1000 students from Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Karel de Grote-Hogeschool, University of Antwerp, HZ University of Applied Sciences and AP Hogeschool Antwerpen came together for this event. However, during the event attendances to the different sessions needed to be tracked to give students credits accordingly, which created a massive amount of overhead. Luckily, Attendance Radar came in to save the day!
Attendance Radar was used to track, manage and analyze attendance in a fast, easy and reliable way, here are some key statistics from the week:

Requiring that many trainers to track attendance, for that many students, in that many sessions and all in just one week? What a massive headache that would have been. Lucking Attendance Radar was there to help. Attendance Radar is a mobile app and web solution used to track attendance, manage and analyze student attendance in an easy, fast and reliable way using an innovative low-energy Bluetooth signal. The use of Attendance Radar during the IPSIG event was a great success with Giannoula Tzakitzidis, a visiting lecturer at the University of Antwerp that was the main event organizer having this to say:

“Very satisfied with the user-friendliness of the tool, but above all very satisfied with the guidance and professional support! Highly recommended if you want to register attendance in a simple way. Even after evaluating the feedback of all our colleagues there was not a single negative point about Attendance Radar, everyone confirmed the app worked great.”
Giannoula Tsakitzidis, Visiting Lecturer at University of Antwerp
The success of Attendance Radar in this event was due to the use of the University Version of the app, which is the most innovative, advanced and streamlined version of Attendance Radar. We are currently looking for institutions that are interested in running a pilot of this university version, do you think your organization would be a good fit?